Friday, December 12, 2008

Now for Some Good News!

Hi all,

So with the history aside, are you ready for some good news?!

Your debt, is actually “prepaid” with what is known as “money of account.”

There is no real substance or “money of exchange” like gold and silver- only accounting-adjustments and set offs. They agreed to do this for you, with the passage of House Joint Resolution (HJR) 192 back in 1933. SWEET! Sign me up for that program! Truth is, you already ARE -- its just that no one told you about it, UNTIL NOW!

Like all good companies, they offer to their “employees” insurance benefits. They offer insurance to us if we would fill out a Form SS-5 also known as an “Application for Social Security Benefits”. This all originated from the “Shepard Towners Maternity act” which was to help new mothers with the care of their children if the mother was unwed. (this is why they ask for the maiden name of the mother on the “application for live birth certificate”. We are all considered to be “bastard children” with the ‘company’ as our ‘daddy’.)

The SS-5 is really a power of attorney for the company who issued the insurance benefit to the real man. Power of attorney was given to the corporation, [a/k/a] the government. When they established the new account they styled the name [TITLE] in ALL CAPS [JOHN HENRY DOE] which is really a corporation. It is the name/ title of a corporation. The Social Security Number (SSN) is [prima facie] evidence that there is an insurance policy. The benefits that one receives include the privilege of an army, navy, police, fire protection, courts, jails, prisons, etc.

When we filled out the Form SS-5 we ‘allowed’ the ‘company’ access to our account, our check book as it were, the pre-paid account that was set-up when our birth certificate issued. We gave them permission as signers to write checks on our account, and they do all the time. Keep in mind, this is the same account the bankers fractionalized and created huge, almost unlimited sums of “money”, and we became ‘co-business partners’, with the ‘company’. They are able to access and use our pre-paid account, for whatever they deem necessary.

Okay, so what is the catch... time for another post!


1 comment:

  1. This is great information. I have learned a lot from this. I was looking online on how to file my tax and I come across this form ( such a great help. You might want to try.
